Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Earliest human species found in Ethiopia

An ancient jawbone fragment is the oldest human fossil discovered yet, a bone potentially from a new species that reveals the human family may have arose a half million years earlier than previously thought, researchers say.
This find also sheds light on the kind of landscape where humans first originated, scientists added.
For decades, scientists have been searching Africa for signs of the earliest phases of the human family, during the shift from more apelike Australopithecus species to more human early Homo species. Until now, the earliest credible fossil evidence of the genus Homo was dated to about 2.3 million or 2.4 million years ago.
Now researchers have found a human fossil in Ethiopia about 2.8 million years old. 
Unknown Web Developer

My name is Shiyas Basheer and i am a part time blogger who just started to walk through the doors of blogging. I started writing blogs to express my views on different matters from around the world and also to provide information and knowledge to people.

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